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Hunger Related Events™

You can make
a difference.

To address the needs of the hungry and homeless by raising awareness and money through special events and programs. Take advantage of an incredible opportunity to make a difference. Join us to raise funds, spread awareness and contribute to a truly important cause.

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The impact, in numbers.

Working since 1992, Hunger Related Events has been working hard with the help of our members and volunteers to face a big issue in our country, hunger. Our work is dedicated to funding and delivering charitable services, and we strive to inspire and improve the lives of those who need assistance. Get in touch to learn how you can make a difference at our Charity Events.

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+$26M raised

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+30 years

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+200M Meals across America

Be part of our cause!


Much more than
just an event.

We see this way too often. Nearly 50 million Americans struggle with hunger, including 16,2 million children. Something unacceptable for one of the richest countries in the world.

Everyone involved in Hunger Related Events is dedicated to the same goal: address the needs of hungry and homeless of the country. Our dedicated team includes community leaders involved in many different philanthropic efforts. They contribute their time, energy, passion, and talents to our numerous causes.

Volunteers Packing Food
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When people help each other, everyone wins.

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Tel: 612-237-6527

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© 2023 All Rights Reserved Hunger Related Events is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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